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Horizon2020-Research and Innovation  Framework Programme. Intelligent Fish feeding through Integration of Enabling  technologies and Circular principle.





Introducing an innovative and preventive detoxification process in the animal feed industry to reduce the mycotoxin content of feed ingredients during storage and preparation.



Developing an optimal and complex feeding system for the period around parturition (a new development even from an international perspective), which, in the case of cattle, aids the optimal operation of their immune system, reduces the damages caused by a negative energy balance, helps to prevent/manage the complications of postpartum uterine involution, aids subsequent conception after calving and reduces the rate of late embryonic loss. In the case of Mangalica pigs raised in intensive farming, it helps to optimise ovulation rates, prevent losses in the last trimester and also stillbirths caused by non-infectious factors, and improve the success rate of early subsequent breeding.



TTechnology and animal feed compositions, using the G-phase byproduct of biodiesel production.



Dr. Balázs Gregosits
R & D director